Monday, April 17, 2017

wall of text

Okay I just have to say, I'm sorry.
This blog has been a failure. I am having to say all this and this blog has been up for such a short time. So lets dive into this wall of text now..

I remember when I started this blog. I was super motivated, excited every day when I got home from school to make a post. Excited to meet new people. But time caught up to me and after just one month, school work started piling up. I was getting less and less time to go on and post. Animal jam was becoming pretty unwelcoming as the community got worse. Nowadays, you cant even talk without a debate sparking. Can't even trade at all without some sort of competition. Can't attenpt make a friend without drama. When all of the good friends I made started to leave Animal Jam, I was feeling less motivated to log on anymore, much less continue a blog. Im sorry this blog is ending already.

I remember the old days when people didn't judge you whether you were wearing ONG SPIEK or not. But then... the Animal Jam YouTube community began. At first, it was not all that popular. But then it exploded! There were animal Jammers with 100,000+ of subscribers making completely random, pointless videos (in which they stole pictures and art without giving any credit), and so many people tried to follow in their footsteps. You can go anywhere in Jamaa and thtere will be at least one person begging for viewers on their Youtube channel. It got frustrating. I was just trying to have fun but it wasn't fun anymore. It got stressful.

So I just want to say to the people who look at this blog, thank you for checking up on this thing once in a while and commenting. It makes me hapoy to know that at least some people read my rants, some people look at my opinions.

I also want to say to my friends who may not view this blog, thank you. Thank you for making Animal Jam a fun place to be, even if it isn't anymore. Animal Jam was a large part of my childhood and, in a sense, I will miss it. I made so many friends, I learned about social skills and a bit about economics. I learned how important demand is..

I know this post is pretty stupid, but I wanted to get it off my mind because I have been thinking about it

And by the way, I will still be posting but it will be random, and will not be very often since I dont go on Animal Jam much anymore.

thanks if you made it to the end of this but sorry i have another thing to add lol

I will be doing a giveaway soon, it will include alot of stuff so if you would like to participate stay tuned for a few days

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


rant 1:

THIS IS GETTING OUT OF CONTROL!!!  magenta pirate swords, magenta spikes GIVEN OUT by AJHQ, magenta headdresses, magenta masks, it's insane!!! It's going to completely destroy animal jam not that it's already ruined EO23KTLwje,aw!!!! ajhq IS helping to destroy the community!! this is corrupted!!! DARK MAGIC!! SORCERY!!!!!!

this is dusgusting

rant 2: ew youtube why did you have to destroy the aj community and ruin it for us small aj blawgers ;( stupid clickbait flashy titles and random short silly videos that have no meaning and make no sense, pausing your recording between every 1 or 2 words for effect and zooming in and out on your animals/face randomly is NOT quality video. It's TRASH

gross. GROSS

k anyway
!!!!!!!!!!! IF APARTI COMMENTS "hi im stupid lololol XD leel lol XD XD" it itsantly can get 8695032u5543789304569857463526578954328765346786905439847565784930239485765748392018695032u5543789304569857463526578954328765346786905439847565784930239485765748392018695032u5543789304569857463526578954328765346786905439847565784930239485765748392018695032u5543789304569857463526578954328765346786905439847565784930239485765748392018695032u5543789304569857463526578954328765346786905439847565784930239485765748392018695032u5543789304569857463526578954328765346786905439847565784930239485765748392018695032u5543789304569857463526578954328765346786905439847565784930239485765748392018695032u5543789304569857463526578954328765346786905439847565784930239485765748392018695032u5543789304569857463526578954328765346786905439847565784930239485765748392018695032u5543789304569857463526578954328765346786905439847565784930239485765748392018695032u5543789304569857463526578954328765346786905439847565784930239485765748392018695032u5543789304569857463526578954328765346786905439847565784930239485765748392018695032u5543789304569857463526578954328765346786905439847565784930239485765748392018695032u5543789304569857463526578954328765346786905439847565784930239485765748392018695032u554378930456985746352657895432876534678690543984756578493023948576574839201 likes and views and junk

and if some small youtuber wt=ith 20,000 subs (which is a lot!!) comments an important, meaningful analagy of animal jam it gets 498218 dislikes and comments saying "ew ur coping aparti gr0ss"

so thats my rant ends bye

Friday, November 4, 2016

proof fman122 does not exist

his while jamagram is really just a loading e=glitch for the old default message. The old default message used to be "Thanks for playing with me!" but now it is "Animal Jam Rocks!". The gift is simply the weekly diamond popping up, if there is a gift at all.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

how to hax sum1!!!!!!!!!

weird lag lol

2 rants in one!!!!!!!

I used to be a huge fan of Warrior Cats roleplay on Animal Jam; I used to log onto animal jam daily just to role play as a cat from a book series. But it has been 4evah changed!!!!!!!!!

Now, the modern roleplay standards are:

1. Be a goth red and black wolf (even though usually you are rping as a cat lol)
2. wear nothing but a spieky color garbaje and and elf cuffs and sometimes a flower crown
3. use "advanced vocabulary" which usually consists of made-up words or incorrectly used words
and dont forget the "advanced anatomy" too!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a very well-presented example I found in the aldan sarepia forest.

how do these two go together ??

So they are a tiny, tufty, tropical tree, caring, scary ..... thing ? ok

so my point is
this is a rant btw view at chore own risk :)

WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU CATS ARENT GOTHY AND RED AND BLACK NEITHER ARE WOLVES AND HOW COULD A WILD CAT/WOLF/DOG EVEN ACCESS A SPIKED COLLAR?! NOT TO MENTION THAT IS GOTH TOO! AND SERIOUSLY, WHY IS ROLE PLAY NOWADAYS DESCRIBING YOUR GOTHIC GR0SS CHARACTER INCORRECTLY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!!!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!???????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\\

ok im done now

ANYWAY oops caps modern animal roleplay on animal jam is stupid and pointless, don't even bother if you are reasonable and have a brain..  

okay on to the next rant ;)

animal jam people lying about their age

Okay this rant will make more sense than that other one lol

Usually, on Animal Jam, you can tell if someone is lying about their age. So say one day you are having a heating argument on how spiked collars are not beta items, and they all of the sudden the person your are arguing with (let's just call them Jammerfhj) says, "oh im 16 so im probly rite"
um ROOD!!!!!  honestly, if they speak like that and are 16 years old, they should spend more time redoing 1st grade instead of arguing on Animal Jam. but anyway........................................................................??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so here is a casual conversatuon!!!!!!

starring rainbowcat21 (aka new jammer) and Jammer4597q8!!1!!11!1!!!1!!!!1!takes screenshots of random people

rainbowcat21: Oh do you want to know something cool about me????

Jammer57ru: sure what squad !!!!!!!!!!!

rainbowcat21: Did you know my birthday is tomorrow!!!???

Jammer57ru: Oh cool how old will you be squad!!!!
rainbowcat21: I'll be 10!!!! im double digits man1!!!!!!

Jammer5yreu: oh cool im 15 btw

rainbowcat21: o

okay idk how to do rants so that was an unofficial thingz k bye

when you run into your old buddy that now hates you

ik they are a gr0ss aldan wall goth rp thing
